Subscription List

Subscription List

Welcome to the subscription list tab tutorial guide for SCiNiTO's organization management dashboard! In this guide, we will be discussing how to effectively manage subscriptions within your organization through the use of file uploads. By following these instructions, you'll be able to easily add, delete, and bulk-upload subscription items for your organization.

Understanding the Subscription List Tab

Before we dive into the process of managing subscriptions, let's first take a look at what the subscription list tab actually is. This tab can be found in your organization management dashboard and contains a list of all the subscriptions that have been uploaded by you, the owner, through file uploads. These subscriptions are available for use by any user within your organization whose join request has been accepted by a manager in your organization.

Adding Subscriptions through File Uploads

To add more subscriptions to your organization, upload files containing subscription items. You can do this in the subscription list tab by dragging and dropping your files into the upload area.

Once uploaded, these items will be added to your existing list of subscriptions for use by your organization's members.

Note that only CSV files are supported, and only admins can upload subscription files.

Deleting Subscriptions

If you wish to remove a subscription from your list, you can do so in three ways - singular, bulk, or all. To delete one subscription, simply click on the trash icon next to the item you want to remove. For multiple items, click on the Delete Multiple button from the very top right menu. To remove all subscriptions at once, click on the Delete All button.

You’ll be asked for confirmation and then the items will be deleted. 


Q1: What file formats can I upload for adding subscriptions?
A1: You can upload files in CSV format only. These files should contain the subscription items you want to add to your organization.

Q2: How do I know if my file upload was successful?
A2: Once you've uploaded a file, it will be processed and the subscriptions contained within will be added to your list. You'll receive a notification confirming the successful upload. If there's an issue, you'll receive a detailed error message.

Q3: Can I edit the subscriptions after uploading?
A3: No, after uploading, you can only delete the subscription from the subscription list tab by clicking on the trash icon next to each subscription item.

Q4: What happens when I delete a subscription?
A4: When a subscription is deleted, it is removed from your subscription list and is no longer accessible to the users within your organization.

Q5: Can I restore a deleted subscription?
A5: No, once a subscription has been deleted, it cannot be restored. Please be sure before you delete any subscriptions.

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