

Organization Management

Welcome to the organization management section of our knowledge base! As an organization owner or manager, you have access to various tools and features that will help you manage and maintain your organization.
In this section, we will discuss three important sections of the organization's administration panel: Users ListJoin Requests, and Subscription List. 
So let's get started and learn how to effectively manage your organization!

Users List

The Users List is where you can view all the users who are currently part of your organization. This includes admins and members. From this list, you can view, suspend, remove, make admin, and edit users as needed.
To access the Users List, simply click on the Users option in the administration panel. From there, you can search for specific users or use filters to narrow down your results.

Join Requests

All organization's join requests from users will be listed under the Join Requests section. As an owner or manager, you can approve or reject these requests.

Subscription List

The Subscription List displays all uploaded subscriptions of your organization.
From this list, you can view and manage each subscription file you've uploaded.

Congratulations! You now have a better understanding of the  Users List, Join Requests, and Subscription List tab in your organization's administration panel. In the next articles, we will delve deeper into each section and provide step-by-step guides on how to make the most out of these features.

Stay tuned for more helpful tips on managing your organization!

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